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Our Vision

Our vision is to develop and offer advanced courses, such as Calculus, Statics, Dynamics, Computer Design, Robot Design, Operation Systems, Java Development, Android Development. These courses are geared for children of all ages, and will help schools take their education programs to the next level. We will help schools to develop programs that can be offered to children, in a manner that they can readily digest.


We will provide the lesson plans, training, and teaching required to mold the brain, and create a beautiful mind.

Edward is an Electrical Engineer with experience in Digital / Analog Hardware Design, Computer Science, Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering, complex engineering systems design, and advanced programming. Edward graduated Cum Laude from FIU, proceeded to work in the field of RF analog design. Edward joined Matrox Tech and worked in the field of digital integrated circuit design. Edward created IC’s for 3D graphics chipsets and image procession applications. Edward then proceeded to work for Motorola Semiconductor in the field of IC design, While at Motorola, Edward designed IC’s for 2G/3G/4G mobile chipsets. Edward then joined Motorola Mobile devices, designing mobile phones, with experience in PCB design, and system level integration. Edward has over eighteen years experience in the field of Engineering. Edward has also worked as a Math and Science educator teaching children, and college adults. Edward also holds several engineering patents in the field of Telecommunications and IC design.